As the summer comes to an end the usual early snows and first taste of winter has arrived in the Highlands. Although its perhaps to early to be packing your crampons it is certainly time to pack some warmer layers in as things have been pretty cold in the mountains over the last couple of weeks. We hope to put a few posts out from time to time through the winter season to help give folk an idea of what the conditions are in the Scottish mountains.
Its been cold enough to produce the first winter route of the season in the Northern Cairngorms. Hoarmaster was climbed in Lochan by some members of the Stirling Uni club who seized the hour. Jo and I headed out the following day but unfortunately missed the hour. We had a good and wintry ramble through Coire Sneachtda and up via the Fiachaill Col. We headed up via Twitterstorm (II) having decided that it was not really in winter condition enough which comes up through some mixed steps to col. Although we didn’t put crampons on an axe was handy but that doesn’t count as the first route of the winter season for us so that is still to come. There are a number of mixed routes in this area around the Fiachaill Col that can be found on UKC’s crag database although many of these lines are really just used for training and instruction courses. On the ridge though it felt pretty wintry the previous days rime was stripping off though. Nice to get a first little taste of hopefully what’s to come.

On Saturday (12th Oct) I was with a group on Ben Nevis where things felt very much like winter on the summit plateau. In fact it was snowing hard down to about 600 at one point. The summit area had a good amount of cover over it and even the odd cornice starting to develop over the North Face. Plenty of folk where turning back at the top of the zig zags and perhaps rightly so in many cases. Although perhaps not ‘full winter’ where axe and crampons where needed it was winter in temperatures. The main issue being soaked on the way up in summer attire and then being frozen in winter temperatures on the top. Certainly the path had all but vanished in places which would be very disorientating for those who are not familiar with a map and compass.

There has been snowfall across the Highlands but as it is at this time of year it will likely do this a few times before a more distinct turn to winter in the mountains. The great thing about living in the Highlands though is the opportunity to grab these quick moments early season when they happen. The snow will most likely be all but gone by now but the eyes are open for more now.
The Highland Guides site is now fully in winter mode with courses beginning to book up. We are also running some open courses for winter skills refresher days which will be running from Aviemore in the Northern Cairngorms on the 26th/27th/28th and 29th of December. Click here to find out more and to book.
Fingers crossed for a great winter.