A quick catch up post as we have been pretty busy nipping about on different things since being back from the Alps. Its not been the best of weather although there has been some pockets of good weather in amongst things. This has also given us a chance to get to the local wall in Inverness which is now in full swing having opened recently. Its a great venue and if you have not been yet then well worth going. Some very good bouldering areas and training set ups which should work well in those long autumn days where the Atlantic lows start to push in.

We had a quick trip to North Wales for a wedding event for one of Jo’s friends which was conveniently in amongst things in Llanberis so we had a few days before to climb. We seemed to strike it lucky with the weather being sandwiched between two large storms which gave some sunny and warm wether for a couple of days on Anglesey and also one in the slate quarries around Llanberis. It was nice to be back down there, its a welcome break North Wales from driving and long walk ins that we have in the Highlands. Everything is all nicely spread out with not too much travel and huge variety of climbing, pretty much everything bar reliable ice climbing. We ventured over to Rhoscolyn and had found quite a sun trap at a small crag right down on the sea. Also a trip to Holyhead mountain. A trip into the quarries where things have changed a fair bit since I first went in there, it used to be the preserve of those with strong nerves and good technique but there seems to have been lots of development with numerous areas offering sport climbing now. Still requires technique though which Jo has plenty of, me less so.

Since being back we have had a few hill days mainly on the Ben and where also able to spend three days with Ted and family on the Isle of Skye for some fairly turbulent weather. Ted had booked for three days scrambling while up with family on a short break with one of the days being a family mountain day with three generations of Teds family. We had things down for two days scrambling and one days walk but the weather had other ideas. Day one was pretty wild weather making certainly anything on the ridge impossible, gale force winds and biblical amounts of rain. We headed with the modest ambition of a small top just on the edge of Fionn Corrie but as we headed up the weather proved to much not least due to the soaking we where getting but also the speed with which the rivers and burns where starting to fill. By the time we returned the path had become of a significant burn. However things at least eased in the wind department enough to allow for a scramble in Coire Laggan. We headed to West Buttress area heading up for a while until things got to wet and circled round into the chute and back down under the East Butress. Thick mist though enveloped us for the day, despite being within perfect view of the Cioch all the way round we didn’t see it once.
The weather looks set to continue in the same vane for a little while and feels a bit like autumn may be on its way perhaps. We still have some spaces available on the Austrian Alpine Club rock course in September running on the weekend of the 16th and 17th click here to have a look.
We where also pleased recently to be given some items from Fjord Alp a company
who make stuff and accessory packs for the outdoors and thus for have been holding strong in what's turning into a fairly turbulent summer. I think as a testing ground for outdoor kit it couldn't get much better than the Highlands. More to follow on the kit.
We also have the winter dates online now so have a look, click here for more.
There is still summer left though and we will be out and about over the coming month or so until we are in Kenya to deliver some rock courses and hopefully back to the winter at Christmas.
